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Enterprise Architecture Superhero Series

Episode 1: Mastering Business Architecture and Strategy
Company Strategic Direction and Crafting Transformation Plans for Success

This is your first dive into becoming an Enterprise Architecture Superhero! We start off the series by discussing how to master your company’s business strategy in order to craft a successful transformation plan. To set you on the right path, we look at how you can capture the ‘drivers’ for the transformation, set the strategic goals, and ultimately select the right projects to drive the business transformation forward.

Ep 1_Playbook

Want to dive deeper?

In the eBook, we take a closer look at various drivers for change, and how they can impact the strategic direction of the company. Master your business transformation skills by connecting this to your company’s mission and goals to craft the right strategic roadmap.

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Episode 2: A Comprehensive Analysis of Your Enterprise Architecture

Watch Episode 2 >

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Episode 3: Guardians of Enterprise Architecture

Watch Episode 3 >

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Episode 4: Getting Ready for Execution

Watch Episode 4 >